Wednesday 8 June 2011

to my dearest, bestfriend

i know... i know that u had crush on me for such a long time ago.. i know that i did let u go just like that... that proved how foolish i am.. i know.. i've been admired n like him for no strong reason while when my tears falls down my cheek, ure the one who vanish it out.. when i need  a should to cry on, u did lend urs.. i know n knew it already since we were so naughty n childish that u like me... im sorry.. i am so teribbly sorry for avoidin u away push u away bcuz of that.. but all of those incident that happens, well it takes time for me to heal.. eventhough if i healed, the scars will always remains there n somtimes it could bleed teribbly.. that is y i hide myself... force myself for not comin down.. to forget all the past bcuz im EASY to forget but i CAN'T forget.. too much bad memories n too much time that i had to make me think.. bcuz as times flies really fast.. i found out that its not him that i missed but its u that alwyas there for me n be beside me even if im wrong. biuld me up when i fell to pieces.. soo... just dont go away.. i do stil need u.. i do have smthg to tell u.. smthg that u should u know n deserve long time ago.. smthg that sound like "i love u i do like u" yes i am... yes i do admit i am a foolish.. i let u down. i do love u.. u r the funniest, the most good  n kind n sweetest n romantic boy that i ever found in my whole life.. n u had nver lied to me.. so.. just hears me out, dear my bestfriend the only bestfriend that i hav rght now,, i love u .. n i hope that our relationship doesn't fade as a bestfriend... n thx for everyhting thx FOR EVERYTHING.. LOVE YA..

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Friday 29 April 2011


heyo!!! wazzup guys.. haha so this is my second update. ahaha dah pandai update agaknya,.. umm nak tulis bi ke bm... rasanya rojak je lah ye... my last updat is about LOVE IS HURT. but now.. saya nak kongsi sesuatu yang "agak" menganggu saya jugaklah kerana perkara ini sememangnya tak pernah terlintas di fkiran kpla.. hmmx2 dgn ucapan bismilliahirahmanirahim~. saya skolh mngah di sekolah pempuan so.. its well known that there is no guys at that school.. so,.. after a a few year, sya dh tak biasa mysuaikan dri dgn lelaki.. so.. when theres guys comes to me to ask phone nu. nak keluar lah nak ngorat lh.. sya x bley nak sesuaikn dri, malah rasa menyampah.. ahaha *maaf kpd pihak lelaki yg membca ini ye.. so.. ble ade yg mntak couple.. sya tolak and when the same situaion went on.. i kept on saying no.. rejecting them dgn alasan.. nak stud.. nak bljar..  kemudian.. ada seorg rkan leaki sye tnye "kenapa wina still single" then sya jawab "sbb... memilih sgt kot.. lgpun wina tak nak kapel" then the answer of the boy is.. wina  ni saje jual mahal kot..jual i that kind of woman?? the kind of yg selalu skit kan ati lelaki everytime i reject them without a strong reason,.. then palau them... x angkat hp ble diowg kol lg2 mcej.. jgn harp sya nk blas.. so.. wat do u guys think about this situation? apa yg korg rasa?? p.s this is not my situation alrght?? ini maslah org lain yg perlukan jwapan.. hee.. :D

Saturday 19 February 2011

what is LOVE???

Have we ever wondered what Love is? People are excited to death when they fell in love but in the same time, they do not even know what the exactly meaning of this only one word that consist of four alphabet which do not have any main or basic meaning until now.. It is because Love is unpredictable, undependable, hurt, smile, laugh, tears, rare, complication that leads to miscommunication, pathetic, crazy, bleed and smiling alone when got his/her text or in the bedroom or open up the shower while lying on the bathroom’s floor while thinking what have you done... Love is a stupid insane uncontrollable action that leads to careless that lead to romantic situation n lead to marriage...
But for me...
Love is like river of tears that just keep on flow hardly unstop but sometimes,  it can also like a flower garden... full of mystery full of pleasure smile n laughter... laughter is the finest songs ever... but not all of us could find the true that could last long because love is “hot” and love is “cold”. Love is one of the mystery in the world that cannot be solved...It is not like a Mathematics question that have its own formula to be solved...  So, as a conclusion, even a professor or a genius person can be totally a stupid morons when it comes to love... to me, I dreamt about it, I sing about it, I heard about it, I watched about it, I observe it, I think n have my moment to think n have a thought about it... but now, I do realize that I had never feel it, experience it, found it for now... I just cannot bring myself in because something did make me stuck n stop on the middle of the road... it is the coward, the fear... the fear of falling in love, hurt in love, the risk to be in love like people said “once bitten twice shy”, cause somehow, the pain inside our heart need a long-long time to be heal n cannot be cured easily like putting on an antibiotic to be healed..And it’s just like do not deserved to be in love because the miracle just don’t work on me... L how pathetic I am..... Thus, I believe that when a person can get together with the person he/she love, it is called MIRACLE... Well, absolutely a miracle because the hardest thing to do in this world is to make the person u love to love u back. [;)]